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Illegal Migrants Have Been Convinced To Sue De Santis For Sending Them To Martha's Vineyard

Florida Governor Ron De Santis has joined Texas Governor Greg Abbott in the fight to raise awareness about protecting the US border. He started by sending 50 migrants by plane to Martha's Vineyard. There was also reports that planes were headed to Joe Biden's home in Delaware. So far, the planes haven't arrived in Delaware and are delayed for unknown reasons.

Migrants were removed from Martha's Vineyard by the National Guard within two days of their arrival. They were placed in a military base. The residents claimed to be "enriched" by their stay. Enriched by a whole two days.

Republican leaders are accused of human trafficking and crimes against humanity. Kamala Harris has called their actions a "dereliction of duty" and "the height of irresponsibility." Ironically, the island has fliers claiming that "all are welcome here." The fliers mention migrants among other communities of people.

Now the migrants have been convinced to sue De Santis for sending them to Martha's Vineyard. A Democrat Texas Sheriff is calling for an investigation. How are illegal migrants able to sue? Are we to investigate the busing without also asking why the Biden administration was flying migrants all over the US. Even Gavin Newsom has bused homeless people all over the country, so he can shut up about it. Democrats are showing their hypocrisy.

Martha's Vineyard officials claim they don't have the resources to handle 50 illegal immigrants. This is a place that is dominated by exceptionally rich Democrats, including the Obama family. According to D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, so called sanctuary cities cannot handle the immigration for no other reason than "we aren't Texas." In Chicago, Lori Lightfoot is busing the migrants right back out as they arrive. Meanwhile, the border towns of Eagle Pass, Del Rio, and El Paso are overwhelmed by the flow of immigration.

In El Paso, about 2000 migrants pass through on a daily basis. Their homeless shelters are overflowing to the streets. Those who live in border towns may expect to see strangers sleeping in their yard. El Paso Officials have allocated funds to continue busing migrants to the East coast for the next sixteen months.

The Biden Administration has allowed at least 900 flights of migrants all over the US on their own watch. When the federal government does it, they don't notify local authorities. Migrants have been flown in under the cover of night. There's no transparency.

In only a year, at least two million migrants have entered the US illegally. Among them, 78 terrorists have been arrested. The mortuary in Eagle Pass has been struggling to keep up with the bodies floating down the Rio Grande. The situation has come to the point to where they have requested refrigerators for the bodies. Eagle Pass has four ambulances with two reserve trucks. They have to depend on private ambulances.

Last edited by Gemino Smothers at 5:01 PM 9/21/2022



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